Draw a bezier curve by moving the anchor points on the screen.
Then use the copy button to place the value of the 'd' parameter of the 'path' element in the clipboard.
Bezier Curves
Using a canvas (not SVG!).
Small circle moving in a larger circle, using a javascript function to control its position.
Shows a resizable heart shape.
Use the copy button to place the SVG required to create this element in the clipboard.
Morph an image to a new shape. Uses a javascript function to alter the 'd' parameter settings between two values.
Create random shapes with random colours and add them to the page making some of them move.
Random Shapes
Creates a spiral and uses'animateTransform' to make it rotate.
Fill in the outer radius, the inner radius, and the number of points to create a star.
The 'path' used will be shown.
Animated wait images. (Same SVG invoked with different parameters)